Organizational Change through
Equity and Justice
Who We Are
We’re equity and justice consultants devoted to providing experiences of growth and change in an environment of safety and joy.
We are not your typical diversity, equity, and inclusion trainers. In fact, we don’t believe in that kind of training at all. We won’t help you check boxes, run optional programming, or ignore accountability.
What will we do? We will work with you to:
- investigate the systems that built and uphold your organization
- consider the impact of inequity on people in your organization
- show you how to invite people to be their authentic selves
- challenge assumptions
- reflect on practices
- listen to, believe, and learn from lived experiences
We’re going to bring the discomfort — along with the support, the consideration, the hard work, the long-term impact, and the joy of equity, accessibility, and justice.
What We Offer
Let’s get to know one another. Book a free 30-minute consultation to learn how we can help your organization grow and change through the lens of equity and justice.
Establishing a solid strategy through an equity lens starts with a clear understanding of your organization’s current state, including policies, systems, employee input, capacity, and more. Select from a variety of organizational audits and let us help you figure it out.
Our workshops each offer a clearly defined purpose and outcome. Participants are invited to engage fully, understanding that this is exactly the forum in which to safely unpack, analyze, and reimagine the systems that bind us.
Keynotes and Panels
Select from a variety of 60 to 90 minute presentations designed to provide foundational information, inspire self-reflection, and offer suggestions for further engagement.
How We Work
Our framework encourages your organization to rebuild what has shifted or broken, and it works no matter how big or how small the break, no matter how much change you’re prepared for.
Clarity of Purpose
We help you assess your status and define measurable goals for the short, medium, and long term.
We help you articulate outcomes, choose measurement tools, measure outcomes, and plan next steps.
We help you identify the resources you will put toward your goals, and encourage innovative thinking about how best to use those resources.
Hard Work
We help you ask the hard questions and guide you through the tough conversations, while maintaining protective, non-judgmental space.
Why Choose Us
As a leader in your organization, you want to take action and make lasting change. But what if your workplace is fine? What if people don’t like change? What if nobody has said there’s an issue? What if you say the wrong thing? What if you offend people? What if, what if, what if…?
We get it — there’s a lot of fear out there. Some of that fear is about language.
Racial justice. White supremacy. Racist. Systemic racism. Misogyny. Feminist. Defund. Black lives matter. Cisgender. They/them. White power. Environmental racism. Unlikeable. Why can’t we all just get along? I don’t see colour. Let’s agree to disagree. What was she wearing? What about his career? Boys will be boys. They didn’t mean anything by it. Good people on both sides.
You just read those words. We’re guessing the sky didn’t fall. So maybe those words aren’t as frightening as we’ve come to believe. You know what reduces fear even more? Having a guide to stand beside you. Let us be your guide.

Where to Find Us
Not quite sure where to start?
Send us an email at